John Clancy
Founding and Managing Member of Planet Fitness Midwest, Smoothie King, and Cornerstone Properties
Justin Roethlingschofer
Speaker & Founder of
Ray Higdon
CEO of the Higdon Group &
Home Business Profit Podcast Host
Kristoffer Doura
VP of Sports & Entertainment at Amerant Bank
Founder of Dream 2 Lead, Inc.
CBA Former Speakers
Gonzalo Zubeita
CEO & Founder of
Emet Partners & Flow Inside Out Transformational Leadership
Ray Higdon
CEO of the Higdon Group &
Home Business Profit Podcast Host
Kristoffer Doura
VP of Sports & Entertainment at Amerant Bank Founder of Dream 2 Lead, Inc.
Curt Henderson
Executive VP and
CFO of Wycliffe USA
John Clancy
Founding and Managing Member of Planet Fitness Midwest, Smoothie King, and Cornerstone Properties
Justin Roethlingschofer
Founder of OWN IT
Chad Sutton
Executive Director
Stephen's Children Foundation
Erick Goss
CEO & Co-Founder
MK Morales
Vice President of Philnathropy
Community Foundation
Steve Scalici
Pr. Family Church and Ceritified Planner
for UBS Financial Services
Marina Hoffman
Co- Founder
Partners for Family Values​
​Stephan N Tchividjian
Owner & CEO
The Caleb Group
Gilda Green
Owner & CEO
Burn Boot Camp
(Jupiter and Stuart locations)
Larry Lawson
Operating Partner
Advent International and Irenic Capital
Stephen Mansfield
The Mansfield Group
Billy Thompson
Miami Heat
Angela Ball
CEO & Founder
Hearts for Moms
Rex Kirby
Verdex Construction